Why wait 5, 10, 25 years to reconnect with BHS classmates?

BHS Class of ’56 inspires with regular Zoom reunions.

Your class can do it too.

Bloomfield High School Class of 1956 proves that you don’t need to know a lot of technology, but only to click on a provided Zoom link and classmates even in their mid- 80’s, can connect. They Zoom twice a year and have a monthly newsletter.

As Bill Payne ’56 describes it, “there is an Agenda and Alums are admonished not to talk of ailments (we all have those) and grandkids (they all are smarter and earn far more money than we ever did)! Structure gives way to random discussions, but that’s the fun of all this: reminiscing about shared good times, i.e. football games, assemblies, teachers, dances and relationships.” Bill suggests recruiting a Zoom “Master” (possibly paid) to help facilitate the virtual reunion experience.

To learn more, Bill has been kind enough to make himself available to answer questions. Drop him an email at bill.payne10@gmail.com.

Having a virtual or in-person reunion?

Send us a recap of your reunion and BEF will share it with our website visitors and newsletter subscribers. It’s a great way to rediscover old friends and classmates, plus inspire other BHS classes to get together and do the same. Send your recaps to news@bloomfieldeducationalfoundation.org